From Virtual Classes to Workshops: Finding the Perfect Learning Opportunity for You

As the modern world progresses towards a more technological era, many believed that the skilled trades industry would take a back seat to the rising demand for tech-related jobs. However, that is not the case as skilled trades remain highly in-demand, with many businesses and industries requiring qualified individuals to fulfil various positions.

As such, skilled trades professionals must keep themselves updated with the latest skills and trends in their respective industries to ensure that they are always ahead of the game. Among the many options available for skill advancement, virtual classes and workshops stand out as two of the most effective and accessible ways to do so.

In this blog post, we will explore and compare the benefits of virtual classes and workshops, providing you with valuable insights into the best way to keep your skills updated and marketable within the skilled trades industry.

Virtual Classes – Pros and Cons

Virtual classes have become increasingly popular in recent years as technology has made it possible to connect individuals from different parts of the world seamlessly. For learners, virtual classes offer an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills without having to leave their home or office, as long as they have an internet connection.


1. Affordable

Many virtual classes are significantly cheaper than their physical counterparts, primarily due to the reduced costs associated with hosting and operating a virtual classroom. This makes virtual learning courses an excellent option for individuals who are just starting in their skilled trades career or who are seeking affordable learning options.

2. Convenience

Virtual classes are time-efficient and flexible, allowing learners to adjust their schedules according to their lifestyles. The absence of geographical barriers further provides learners with access to courses and instructors beyond the confines of their local area.

3. Customizable pace

In virtual classes, learners have control over the pace of their learning. They can move through lessons quickly or take their time, ensuring that they fully understand the material before moving on to the next lesson.


1. Limited physical interaction and collaboration

Virtual classes do not offer the same level of physical interaction and collaboration that in-person learning provides. The level of engagement amongst learners is minimal, which can be a disadvantage when it comes to learning and retaining complex concepts.

2. Technical challenges

The success of virtual classes is contingent on the availability of a stable internet connection, which can sometimes present challenges for learners who live in areas with poor connectivity.

Workshops – Pros and Cons

Workshops are another effective way for skilled trade professionals to meet and collaborate with industry peers, learn new concepts and ideas, and gain hands-on experience in their field.


1. Hands-on experience

Workshops provide learners with hands-on experience, allowing them to practice what they have learned in a controlled and supervised environment. This enables them to perfect their craft while improving their confidence and competence in their job.

2. Personalized learning

In workshops, learners have direct access to experts in their field, allowing them to learn directly from the best. They also benefit from personalized coaching, which guides them in the right direction, identifies any weaknesses, and helps them overcome challenges.

3. Networking opportunities

As workshops bring together professionals from the same field, they provide an excellent opportunity to network, make new connections, and build professional relationships. These connections can prove valuable to those seeking to enhance their skills and marketability in the skilled trades industry.


1. Expense

Workshops tend to be more expensive than virtual classes due to the cost of hosting and operating the workshop, hiring expert facilitators, and supplying necessary materials and resources.

2. Time commitment

Workshops typically require several days or weeks, which can be challenging for skilled trades professionals who have a busy schedule. Attending a workshop can also mean taking a break from work, which can impact productivity and income.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to choosing between virtual classes and workshops, it’s important to consider your individual learning style, availability, and budget. Virtual classes are a great option for those seeking an affordable way to learn new skills and knowledge, while workshops offer a more personalized and hands-on approach that can lead to more valuable experiences, connections, and understanding of the trade.

In conclusion, regardless of what method of learning you choose, keeping your skills up to date and marketable is essential for success in the skilled trades industry. With an ever-expanding range of learning opportunities, you can pick and choose the best options for you to stay ahead of the curve and ensure your continued growth and success.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

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