Leading the Way: Companies Embrace New Technologies and Trends

In today’s fast-paced world, technology is evolving at an unprecedented rate, and the skilled trade industry is no stranger to these advancements. Leading companies are embracing new technologies and trends to make their businesses more efficient, productive and profitable.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the skilled trade industry is projected to grow by 5% from 2019 to 2029, creating over 500,000 job opportunities. With the advent of new technologies, these jobs have become more attractive, fulfilling and easier to perform, which is driving even more people to take up a career in this field.

Whether it’s automation, machine learning, robotics, or even 3D printing, technological advancements are making significant differences in how skilled labor trades operate. These innovations are facilitating job performance and improving productivity levels across the board. Let’s dive deeper into some of the trends that companies are embracing in skilled trades.

1) Automation and Robotics

Automation and robotics are playing an increasingly significant role in skilled trades. With automation technology and robotics, businesses can automate repetitive manual tasks, reduce labor costs, and improve quality control. Robotic machines can work continuously as long as maintenance and upkeep requirements are met, resulting in an improved bottom line. Robotics has been especially handy in welding, where robots and automation have significantly increased precision and welding speed.

2) 3D Printing

Another significant technological trend in skilled trades is 3D printing. This trend is increasingly becoming popular because it helps businesses cut costs and improve efficiency. In the skilled trade industry, 3D printing has been used to manufacture replacement parts, prototypes, scale models, and even finished products. An additional benefit is how 3D printing is benefiting the environment. The technology is proving to be eco-friendly since there is less waste and energy usage when compared to the traditional manufacturing process.

3) Machine Learning

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing skilled trades by enabling businesses to automate their operations, access accurate data analytics, and improve decision-making processes. Machine learning is a scientific method that provides computers with the ability to learn and gradually improve from user data that helps optimize operations. With Machine Learning advancements, businesses can anticipate and prevent potential faults, and avoid costly repairs or situations that could result in serious losses.

4) Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance is a trend that’s rapidly gaining popularity within the industrial field. The practice helps businesses to optimize their maintenance activities and to prevent potential equipment failure by integrating data analytics and automation. Predictive maintenance allows businesses to anticipate future issues and plan accordingly, rather than waiting for equipment to break down, and then attempting to remedy the situation. With predictive maintenance, skilled trades businesses rely on data trends and analysis to make informed decisions, which leads to more efficient operations, reduced downtime, and a decreased likelihood of expensive repairs.

5) The Cloud

The cloud is taking up new technologies and trends in skilled trades. It enables real-time collaboration, data collection, analysis, and project management. Businesses that have adopted cloud-based systems experience a better level of data access, flexible storage solutions, and more suitable planning systems. Companies can manage data offsite as data gets stored on remote servers that are maintained by third-party providers. As a result, businesses have reduced the costs of maintaining IT infrastructure in-house, reduce staff, and increase efficiency.

Bottom Line:

The skilled trade industry continues to grow exponentially, as technology and trends drive significant improvements in how businesses operate in this sector. Companies who embrace novel and innovative technologies stand to gain significantly, improving productivity levels, reducing costs, and increasing profitability. From automation and robotics to machine learning and predictive maintenance, businesses in skilled trade will undoubtedly enjoy the benefits of these impactful technologies shortly.

Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.
Photo of the Remarkables mountain range in Queenstown, New Zealand.

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